About counteralchemist

College Student. Electronic Drummer. Lazy Programmer. Audio-Engineer-In-Training. I totally did not copy-paste that from my Twitter Profile. Promise.

Windows 10 1803 (April 2018 Update) Successful

Waking up from blogging slumber simply to post about how I eventually was able to update to Windows 10 1803 (April 2018 Update) from 16XX (can’t recall exactly) after going through at least 5 failed attempts and numerous articles online. Thought it might help someone.

These particular instructions worked for me: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/677412/windows-10-spring-1803-update-finally-successful/. Commenting there is disabled, so here I am now.

The solution in the thread prevents the update from having a BSOD at 75% with the message “The installation failed in the Second Boot phase with an error during migrate data operation.” If that’s not your update issue, the solution may or may not be for you.

I didn’t have the exact programs like the ones described in the thread, so I simply uninstalled software that had relatively system-wide control on Windows, namely: Avast Anti-virus, Avast Safe Search, FiiO Q1 Mk II Drivers, Equalizer APO. I also disabled all startup programs.

Note that I had to run the Windows update troubleshooter described here to be able to start the update in the first place, as my old Windows installation seemed to have corrupt components.



Game of Thrones Extended Main Theme


If the 2-minute Game of Thrones main theme is only part of a never-before-heard whole, what would the full-length version sound like?

While I am a computer science major, my greatest passion still lies in the world of music.

(Not that computer science and music are mutually exclusive, anyway.)

This is my final work (music arrangement) for my undergraduate year. 🙂

On This Day

I woke up feeling immensely refreshed. I had a good night’s sleep that I have not had in a very long time. My dreams were also very vivid. I had a dream about my school orchestra and spending time with my rock band.

I also had a dream about you.

Oh, and I discovered the existence of this live-action:

Would have been a fitting bookend to this chapter of my story with you, except, WHY IS THE THEME SONG GENERIC EDM? Not that EDM is necessarily generic, nor do I claim that everyone will find the song generic; it’s just my opinion. 😀 It would have been nice if 99RadioService did the theme song.

P.S. I haven’t been to WordPress in a long time, too. The new emoticons look nice.