K-ON!! ED – Listen!! (DTX)

DTXMania Simfile: K-ON!! ED – LISTEN!!
YouTube Video: DTXMania – 「Listen!!」 (けいおん!! / K-ON!! ED)


After months of not posting here in my blog, here’s a DTX of the ending theme of K-ON!! I’m looking forward to more K-ON!! these next few weeks. =) On a side note, the past school year has kept me busy with both school and non-school related matter that I haven’t really worked on my DTXMania skins. I spent 2 days a week ago working on the V5 skin and it’s nearly finished. Well that’s about it for now. XD

Hero Simfile (DTX)

Download: Machinae Supremacy – Hero
Download DTX Video: Video For Hero DTX (Optional)
YouTube Video: DTXMania – Hero DTX


I just don’t feel like embedding videos. XD

…And yet another simfile! It’s a song called “Hero” by Machinae Supremacy. The genre of this song is metal. (And no, not your usual metal) Expect to encounter a lot of double bass and fast rolls in the song. If you like the song, do check out Machinae Supremacy’s website for more awesome music. 8D


This simfile includes unedited drum samples and artwork (The preview) from Machinae Supremacy. (Thanks Mr. Stjärnström!)

I also included an optional DTX video download (See link above) of a live version of Hero. Please take note that I did not make the video. I simply added a frame and trimmed the video. If you downloaded this simfile and you like the song, I suggest that you check out the original video:

Machinae Supremacy at Bandit Metal Fest

Stay tuned more for more simfiles in the future!

Jesus of Suburbia Simfile (DTX) and a Bonus Simfile

Download: Jesus of Suburbia
YouTube Video: DTXMania – Jesus of Suburbia DTX


Time for some Green Day! This one’s a DTXMania simfile of Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day. I actually made this simfile exclusive to the self-titled, 1st movement of the song, Jesus of Suburbia. It took me quite some time to accurately tab the drum part of the 1st movement. So if you’re someone who wants to cover the drums of this song, this simfile is for you!

And so I bring you, Jesus of Suburbia (Jesus of Suburbia). Man, that sounded redundant. But then again, that’s how it should really be called.


Download: Least 10 Secs
YouTube Video: DTXMania – Least 10 Secs DTX

Also, I also made a simfile called “Least 10 Secs.” From the title itself, one should be able to tell that it’s a 10-second version of The Least 100 Seconds. This one’s really a side project of mine. Nothing much special to it besides being an insane 10-second simfile. Also, this was originally a concept for a PPT movie (Not Flash, but PPT) I was making about some dude finishing “Least 10 Secs,” which is “the hardest song in DrumMania.” (As quoted from the dialogue in that PPT movie)

Good luck trying to finish it for those who are actually willing to try. XD

On a side note, the song included in this simfile is actually a MIDI version of The Least 100 Seconds that can be downloaded in the download page of GDAMania.