Mid-Summer 2010

Tonight marks the end of the 1st half of my summer vacation… well since I’m starting college entrance exam reviews tomorrow. I’m not excited about it at all. Well how can I be excited about 2 weeks and 2 days of hellish reviews. -_- I was suppose to take up half-day reviews (better) for the whole April but I enrolled a little too late and I had to choose whole-day reviews which starts tomorrow and ends on May 4. I couldn’t have enrolled for a whole-month review for May either since my family and I are going to Singapore on the last week of May.

My summer vacation so far has been quite good already. Despite spending uncountable hours on the computer getting bored, watching anime, software skinning, surfing the web, composing music, and uh… getting bored, I’ve spent quite a number of days jamming with my friends and recording with them. I’ve also been to an album launch of my school’s music club, a Paramore concert, a Cobra Starship concert, and my first anime convention also known as “Ozine Fest 2010.” (Has anyone blogged about my friend who cosplayed as VLC yet? XD)

Simply put, my summer activities so far are more or less music related. Even Ozine Fest is music related because LIGHT MUSIC IS AWESOME. I just discovered the wonders of K-ON a month ago and it’s awesomeness struck me to the point of me being inspired to study guitar. Yes, you read that right. I already knew how to play guitar since October last year but I never really took it seriously. Now, I want to buy an electric guitar! As for my drumming, I’m still working hard to improve although to be honest, I haven’t been playing much DrumMania. I’m still aiming to finish Least 100 Seconds on extreme though. \o/ I already finished that 90 difficulty extra stage song in DMV4 when I was in SM Mall of Asia last Sunday so I’m getting there. XD


That is a picture of Manila Bay taken from Mall of Asia. And hundreds of miles away from where I was when I took that vast body of water is Singapore. (Here’s a map to prove that XD) I did mention a while ago that I’m going to Singapore next month. Now that IS something I am excited about! Seriously, besides being able to go to another country and spend 4 days going to various tourist spots like Sentosa, I get to play DrumMania XG and possibly shop for a guitar. XD

And that’s another blog entry coming from me folks. Before I end this night and wake up tomorrow to the sound of my alarm clock signaling the start of hell-reviews, there is one more thing I need to do. And that would be to post another blog entry about-

CRAP, rtnario‘s back to kill me with my new chair and his bass, COMBINED. *runs*


I’m pretty sure there was an actual reason rtnario had that picture taken again but amazingly, I don’t remember yet again. That picture was taken last Saturday when my friends and I did some recording for a music remix project. Okay, enough with the out of place picture. More important blog entry to be posted in a few minutes. XD

K-ON!! ED – Listen!! (DTX)

DTXMania Simfile: K-ON!! ED – LISTEN!!
YouTube Video: DTXMania – 「Listen!!」 (けいおん!! / K-ON!! ED)


After months of not posting here in my blog, here’s a DTX of the ending theme of K-ON!! I’m looking forward to more K-ON!! these next few weeks. =) On a side note, the past school year has kept me busy with both school and non-school related matter that I haven’t really worked on my DTXMania skins. I spent 2 days a week ago working on the V5 skin and it’s nearly finished. Well that’s about it for now. XD

Stars From The Other Side

Seven weeks ago, I wrote about a blog entry entitled “Random Blog Entry From Outer Space.” And it was indeed about random stuff that “people probably wouldn’t care about.” XD


A week after that house visit I had when I wrote my last blog entry, a series of awesome events happened. It started with what I would call –inside reference warning– an “evening party.” Trying to be as vague there as possible. XD Well the important thing is that… I’m talking about a series of events here. After that evening party followed a school-wide competition where I had to compose music for my class’ stage play, gimmicks with my friends, band practices, yet another evening party here, a school fair, a concert, a band screening, and more gimmicks. What’s up with that? Well, that’s not what I would usually do as “counteralchemist.” I would probably enjoy writing this blog entry more, make a software skin, or something like that. XD But no, that isn’t the case. These events were “stars” from the other side of the universe that I discovered. These events made me realize how I can enjoy such activities even more than I did in the past. Seriously, I spent less time playing DrumMania during the last 7 weeks. BUT for those times I played DrumMania, I was usually with many of my friends hanging out in the arcade unlike in the past when I would go to the arcade alone. XDD


I decided to write this blog entry when those streak of gimmicks for the 2nd term ended with rtnario visiting my house… makes sense as I wrote my previous blog entry in his house before all of those events I mentioned occurred. The 2nd term also ended last Friday and tomorrow is the start of the 3rd and final term for this school year. It’s a long story really, but rtnario had to stay until 10:45 PM in my house. >> It was a half-overnight with non-stop FL Studio-ing and jamming. XD


I remember rtnario wanting to hit me with a chair, but I seriously don’t recall why. It was for fun anyway. XD Anyway, besides the fact that I wanted to reflect on those perhaps, eye-opening events by typing away, this blog entry serves as a formal statement from me that: I most likely will not post anything at all for the next 3 months. Those events that I experienced is only the start of my “life outside the computer.” xD This term of the school year is probably gonna be one of the most crucial (College Entrance grades) and busiest period in my high school life. There’s an event in school that happens only once every 2 years, another big celebration that happens every who knows how many years, an exposure trip, our 14th annual school fair (which is very significant to me btw), and the Prom. Well, there’s still Christmas break to work on some projects… it just depends on what will happen during my Christmas break I guess. Hey, I still have a V6 skin to finish. XD

06-19-12 Edit: The hyperlink that says “14th annual school fair (which is very significant to me btw)” used to link to the About page of this blog. Since I updated the content of the About page, I redirected the hyperlink to another blog entry which explains the significance of said school fair.